Call for Unity Fundraiser
Darrell Prince
2014-12-30 19:30:50 UTC
The Call for

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Future emails will come from not for profit mailing addresses when you subscribe(I need your permission to mail you from a new address)

Happy holidays, Hannukuah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Solstice, and Festivus,

I hope this email finds you well. The purpose, like so many other emails you are surely receiving is for support, financial, volunteer, and network for my not for profit, The Call for Unity. In 2014, we worked with other groups in the largest collaboration of environmental groups ever, and moved with historic national movement for police reform, as part of our two biggest issue areas We plan to have a big 2015, the kind that requires support of all kinds.

The Call for Unity is the simple belief that we must all work together to make this world the better place we all know it can be, and that we can do so by starting off with the things that we can all agree upon, educating ourselves on the issues, deciding what is relevant, listening to others for additional perspectives, and how to move forward in a focused discourse between committed, well intentioned people. I think we need Unity right now.

2014 can be summed up by the ancient (not really Chinese) curse: may you live in interesting times:

Largest Climate March ever, historic national protests for police reform, US China climate agreement, the Torture report, fracking movement achieves the banning of fracking in New York State , Republicans take both Houses of Congress, Cuba embargo being lifted

So much it's overwhelming, with conflicting information, passionately argued on both sides, that often breakdown into bitter partisan divides, trying to make sense of it while we deal with all the things we have to do in our own lives.

I've been asked, isn't doing what I do enough, that I don't have to spend time worrying about things which are not my concern? The simple answer to that is, NO. That is not the way a democratic republic works, and the reason that approval ratings for Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court, hover between the abysmal 9% and the dismal 39% is at least partly due to the fact that we do not have participate enough, that we do not have the information necessary to make concrete decisions, to ask for the things that we want, and need, nor a rational discourse, or the decision-making. But we have a choice, and great opportunity, to fix lingering issues, and launch ourselves in a new, better world, with happier people than ever before in humanities existence, because we do have it pretty good, and it may seem counter traditional strategies, but by taking better care of one another, it will get better for us all. The differences between us are much smaller than the
similarities, and so we all should judge less, help more, while letting people be free as they wish to be.

I don't want to overwhelm you with text, but if this sounds like something promising, donate what you can, or something token, to let us know you think we're on the right track. If you can help, want to help or network with us, the link to sign up is on the site, really close to the one to DONATE. :) (http://wix.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=f94c73f5a712bc9c0562a2910&id=fa125cd1d0&e=a2c45e7b48) Happy holidays, and feel free to ask questions you may have, email and we will respond preferably via phone. Serious inquires only, please.

If you wish to be removed from further email updates, or wish to switch email addresses, simply reply with No Thanks or, please switch to “***@belief.com (mailto:***@belief.com) ”
For more information, or how to be a part, take a look here:

Unity site (still in development) (http://wix.us7.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=f94c73f5a712bc9c0562a2910&id=901b415851&e=a2c45e7b48)

or feel free to simply DONATE. :) (http://wix.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f94c73f5a712bc9c0562a2910&id=a8c77949cd&e=a2c45e7b48)
Cordially yours,

Darrell Prince
Rebirth Energy Funds

The rebirth of energies, content, conservation training, financing, technology advising, generating employment from sea to shining sea. Investment opportunities will include liquid large government backed securities as well as high risk high reward funds in the hottest (to use an ironic term) technologies in environment and energy management system performance. Looking for investors, and partners wrapping up hiring in Feb for the first phase, blitz kreig styles. Details shortly.

Unity donations look favorable for investment partnerships.

1. Unity
2. To further advance evolution of the human species, by improving communication between nodes through greater shared definitions
3. A disjointed information and pathway to action for social initiatives, full of silos and failure to agree on common goals. Makes participation in solving problems easy and simple.
4. Think tank that sets goals, and finds solutions to them + 2 tools – 1. a movement based directory, listing national and local not for profits, their projects and focuses, with social networking for organizations feature. 2. A verified identity, fact based shared understanding discussion board, that requires review of certain information before commenting, and has clearly defined set of rules for discussion, and provides instant polling on issues, as well as a history of positions. Gameified to provide greater benefits, and larger reach, based upon user inputs.
5. Donors,activists, voters, not-for-profits, and the actively aware of political process and discussions.
6. It's my baby. It is an effort to smooth the pathways to good decisions, like a myelin sheath for human species level decision making. Rational, consistent thought is rewarded, ideas are tested, and the conversations are between people who have a shared understanding of the issues, making resolution possible.

Copyright © *|2015* *|The Call for Unity|*, All rights reserved.
Personal email list of Darrell Prince
for next day responses by phone, and an invite
to the long overdue actual call for Unity.

email ***@hotmail.com

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